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Chapter News

  • Chapter Key Award

    CONGRATULATIONS! Our chapter was awarded the Key Award at the 47th Biennial Convention on November 15th, 2023 in San Antonio, Texas. Our chapter has been around since 1962-63 and this is the first time the chapter has achieved this award! This is a significant achievement. We share the pride and joy of this achievement with all our members.

  • American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K Walk

    Sigma Alpha Theta's Walk in Honor of Dr. Allison Peters on 10-21-2023. 

  • Fall 2023 Alpha Theta Chapter Induction Ceremony

    Fall Induction Ceremony was on 10-25-2023.
  • Water.Org Alpha Theta Chapter Fundraiser

    Hello Everyone!

    1 in 10 people around the world lack access to safe water. One of Sigma's goals is to help improve lives around the world.
    In honor of Founders Day, we raised $2,620 for Water.org, an organization dedicated to bringing safe water and sanitation to the world. 
  • Founders Day Celebration

    Founders Day Dinner was on 10/11/23. 
  • Sigma Open House Celebration was a success.

    Our open house was on September 18, 2023, at Las Carretas Mexican Restaurant. 

    Door prizes!
  • Graduation news:

    Congratulations to Dr. Shannon Beardsley, DNP, APRN who just graduated from the UF CON DNP program. She will be working as a Family Nurse Practitioner. Shannon serves on the Governance Committee for our Sigma Alpha Theta chapter. She is doing a great job for the chapter. We are very proud of you Shannon! It is time to celebrate!

  • S.A.F.E. Training

    Alpha Theta Chapter enjoyed the S.A.F.E. (Self-Defense Awareness and Familiarization Exchange) program! Members learned to become more aware of and better familiar with basic self-defense concepts April 20th, 2023.



Chapter Events


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